We work together with our clients, as well as partner with other organizations and programs, to address:
- Evictions
- Subsidized Housing Issues
- Repairs
- Lockouts
- Security Deposits
- Earnest Money
- Housing Payments
- Property Taxes
- Mortgage Foreclosure

Services > Housing
Legal Action of Wisconsin helps clients find and keep safe and affordable housing. Whether through brief legal advice, assistance with documents, or in-court representation, we help tenants and homeowners assert and protect their rights while holding property owners, housing authorities and courts accountable.
Legal Action of Wisconsin provides same-day, in-person eviction. prevention and diversion services at the courthouse in Milwaukee and La Crosse counties through our Eviction Defense Project (EDP).
The EDP does not run everyday. In Milwaukee, the EDP operates in Courthouse Room 406 starting at 12:30pm Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays of each month. **Milwaukee’s EDP is CLOSED from December 23 – January 3.** The La Crosse EDP operates on Fridays beginning at 8:30am outside the mediation room of the La Crosse Courthouse on the third floor.
FREE legal help including:
*Spots are limited, and representation is not guaranteed. This project serves only tenants with hearings scheduled the day of service.
An eviction is the formal legal process that is required before a landlord can remove a tenant (renter) from a property. Learn more about the process by watching this video
In Wisconsin, all foreclosure actions must go through a court. This timeline document will give you a general idea of the length of the foreclosure process in Circuit Court. Each court case is different, so please contact a lawyer for more specific advice.
An eviction trial is held in small-claims court, by one judge, unless a party specifically requests a trial by jury. A jury trial in small claims court is decided by six people. Whether you should ask for a jury trial in your case is a decision only you can make. To learn more about jury trials review the information below.
Jury Trial Information and Request Packet Paquete Para Solicitar Un Juicio Con Jurado Hmong -Jury Trial Information and Request Packet
Click the tab above to learn about the
Eviction Defense Project
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