We often assist clients with issues related to:
- Please note, due to our limited staff, we focus our children and family law services to clients who are or have been victims of domestic violence, and other specialized populations
- Domestic Abuse, Harassment, Child Abuse, and Individual at Risk Restraining Orders and Injunctions
- Child Custody and Physical Placement
- Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) Litigation
- Maintenance and Child Support
- Modification of Divorce, Paternity, Custody, Placement, Maintenance, or Child Support Judgments
- Paternity
- Family Law Appeals
- Divorce, Legal Separation, and Annulment – in limited cases

We also have expertise in matters related to:
- Termination of parental rights cases
- Adoption cases
- Child protective service/juvenile court cases
- Third-party/grandparent visitation cases
- Foster care cases
- Other jurisdictional issues/challenges including Uniform Interstate Family and Support Act (UIFSA), Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), and Hague Convention

Your gift counts
The need for all of our services, sadly, is greater than our capacity to help. That is especially true for our family law work. Often we are only able to take clients who are referred to us from a domestic violence shelter. To better meet the need in our community, we need more funding. Help us take more cases and serve more low income survivors in need.