Legal Action of Wisconsin advocates provide free and confidential civil legal services to agricultural workers throughout Wisconsin. Our goals are to ensure that migrant, seasonal, and year-round agricultural workers:
- Receive all the wages they have earned
- Are lawfully and fairly recruited with full disclosures from employers about wages and working conditions
- Live in employer-provided housing that is safe, habitable, and meets legal standards
- Enforce their worker rights under state and federal laws on cases including migrant and seasonal farmworker protections or discrimination
- Access public benefit programs they are entitled to, such as unemployment benefits
- Address health and safety concerns in the workplace, including sexual harassment
Learn more about how to get help or text or Whatsapp message us at 920-279-7025

Seniors and Older Adults
Older adults who are eligible for our services are encouraged to apply for help. Many offices have staff who specialize in public benefits for older adults and how best to serve you. For Milwaukee County older adults, we have a program called SeniorLAW that offers comprehensive legal services to individuals aged sixty and older regardless of income. SeniorLAW’s focus is on assisting at-risk and vulnerable older adults, ensuring they receive the legal aid they need to defend their rights and maintain their dignity and autonomy. If you think you may qualify, click here to learn more and get help.
We also have specialized staff available to help older adults who are victims of abuse. Victims of abuse or crimes do not have a right to an attorney. This can leave many older adults with no where to turn if they are being physically or financially harmed. Legal Action attorneys are here to be on your side and in your corner helping you find your way forward.
If you feel that you are a victim of abuse or you believe it has been inflicted upon someone you know or love, Legal Action may be able to help. You can apply for help or call us 855-947-2529 or fax at 414-296-1019, email at elderabuse@legalaction.org, or apply for help online.

While any eligible veteran can apply to receive legal help in any of our practice areas, we have dedicated staff who assist veterans with benefits and other unique legal issues veterans may face, including addressing discharge status issues. If you are a veteran who is homeless or at risk of homelessness, please contact us by emailing
veterans@legalaction.org or by calling us at 855-947-2529.
We are deeply grateful for the service you provided our nation and we are honored to serve you.

Harm Reduction
Legal Action of Wisconsin has partnered with Vital Strategies to aid in Harm Reduction and recovery for people in communities affected by Opioid and/or Substance Use Disorder (O/SUD). People who use(d) drugs may require legal help to find and maintain safe and affordable housing, remove barriers to employment, receive public benefits, or resolve consumer debt issues. Legal Action advocates are trained to address the unique and wrap around needs of this community to reduce the harm of OUD and SUD.
Legal Action recognizes a need for civil legal advocacy for all those impacted by the overdose crisis and drug use. Beyond legal work, we are educating our staff and others about a Harm Reduction approach, like a recent Narcan training you can learn more about in this Fox6 story. We work with a number of organizations throughout the Milwaukee area including, Second Chance, the Office of Public Defender, The Sherman Park Community Association, the Milwaukee Overdose Response Initiative (MORI), among many others. Legal Action is committed to working with the community to provide wraparound services for those who are battling OUDs and SUDs.

Reentry refers to the time period when people are being released from incarceration and returning to their communities. This time is often fraught with complications to finding housing and employment, as well as difficulty accessing essential services and resources. These challenges are multiplied for the many individuals involved in the criminal justice system who have a mental health condition or physical impairment. Legal Action looks to empower formerly incarcerated people and give them a path forward as they build a stable life outside of prison.
We have dedicated staff who specialize in providing legal services to incarcerated people as they approach their release from prison. We assist in applying for disability, health care and other public benefits. In doing so, we seek to increase our clients’ economic stability, provide them with access to health care, and reduce homelessness, relapses of criminal behavior and other negative outcomes. We receive referrals through the Wisconsin Department of Corrections and work with clients prior to and after their release into the community. If you have questions about this program, please contact the program manager nearest you. Attorney Jacob Haller, Milwaukee Program Manager can be emailed at jah@legalaction.org, and Attorney Erica Loomis, Oshkosh area Program Manager can be emailed at ell@legalaction.org.